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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Money, Money

I've been thinking about how much money I have been spending on MMU. I did an informal tally of how much I have spent on MU in the past 2 months, and even with being generous (I mean, you can't really count brushes, right?) lets just say it was pretty heart-stopping. Especially for someone who's entire yearly budget was around $20 (not I'm not kidding if anything I am erring on the high side). This recent addiction is costing me a few pennies, and my list of "must-tries" is getting longer and longer by the day! I really must go on a "no buy", but every time I do another sale comes up, and then there's the fact that I still haven't found my HG foundation yet, and I'd love too try some MM lippies and.... well you get the picture.

Oh! I almost forgot. I got my travel sized Lumiere foundation in Flawless Face in med/light beige, and a sample of med/light cool. I'm having a hard time telling which one matches best, my face seem to have both pink and yellow undertones, and red overtones, plus my neck is a little bit more yellow. So far I'm leaning towards beige as a closer match. But I'm not sure if it's just becase I have a full travel jar of it. So far I'm finding the feel of it a little masky, but I'm reserving judgement until I give it a fair shake.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Storage and Brushes

I always like seeing other peoples storage and tools. I'm always on the look out for more things to spend my hard-earned money on (aren't we all ). I decided to post up my storage and brushed in the hopes that others will join in with their pics. Here is my storage case, right now I am using a Caboodle that I've had since I was 13 making it about...well let's just say a few years old. The other case you see is a little tackel/craft box I bout at the dollar store, I use it to store my own creations.

Here are my brushes:

On the top row is my Rimmel Kabuki & Lumiere Kabuki, from left to right on the bottom row is my Put Minerals Chisel brush, Clinique smudger, Pur Minerals Powder brush, some random eyeshadow brush, Clinique Blush brush, Everyday Minerals Flat Top, generic eyeshadow, American Painter #6 brush (which doesn't work well for wet application which is what I bought it for), 2 more generic brushes, & an American Painter 4300 Shader (which is awsome for wetlining).Well, there is my storage and tool stash, It's not too big yet but it's growing pretty darn fast!

On a different note;
I can't believe that I missed Meow's Fathers Day sale! I've been lusting after a Flawless Munchkin (what non-MMU people must be thinking I'm talking about )

Here is my current (ever expanding) list on what I'd like to buy:

  • emu oil
  • squalene
  • Lemon grass cleaser
  • Frisky Sphynx in Flawless (Can't believe that I've missed the sale!)
Taylor Made:
  • Cheval eyeshadow
Everyday Minerals
  • I'd like to sample some cool colours: Fair Med, Light Med, Sunkissed Fair.
  • Extra Bright White mica
  • Radiant Gold mica
  • Oriental beige
  • Sparkle turquiose
  • More Soft colours
  • Maybe some reflect colours
  • And maybe another Sampler kit

Wow I've got to start saving some greenies!

Makeup Making Mania mmmmm...

Last week I went a bit loco. I was surfing TKB trading, drooling over their selection of micas,and thought to myself

"Surely I could make my own mineral makeup, It can't be too hard." Fast forward to last Friday, and what did arrive in my little back mailbox, but a huge envelope stuffed with makeup making ingredients. I've spent this weekend mixing up batches of eyeshadows and blushes.To make my colours I used TKB's Matte Eyeshadow Base , TKB's Softcolours (pre-mixed iron oxides, so that you don;t have to use a shearer) and various micas.

Making the eyeshadows and blushes are pretty easy (simply mix up various micas and iron oxides to create your colour and add some eyeshadow base, see this link for info on using the base: link ). The problem was with mixing the colours. It's way too easy to just keep adding colours, and end up with a muddy mess (I like to call them neutrals). I had to keep reminding myself to stick to mostly two primary colours to get the truest colours.

I really had a lot of fun making makeup, and if you've been thinking about trying it I'd really urge you to take the plunge. Now I've just got to find a cheap jar supplier (I'm almost out already).